Thanks for droppin’ by my
“General Store”.
Pull up that chair over there by the ol’ cracker barrel and make yourself at home. You’ll find a full selection of my CD’s and DVDs on disk, as well as all my recordings, concerts. and vintage television specials available for download, with just a push of a button.
(May I suggest buying hard copies? That way, you won’t miss out on all the great historical information, personal stories, and great photos that I’ve included on the jackets.) I’d be happy to autograph them for you, too, if you like. Or, if you’re giving them as a gift, (they make quick and easy gifts, ya know.). I’d be pleased to write a short greeting of your choice. (Happy birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy Anniversary, etc.)
So, make yourself at home, browse around the store a while, and add some unique Arizona Music to your collection.
“The Balladeer”